Saturday, August 21, 2010

Red Bull Flugtag 2010

Red Bull Flugtag was too hot. I heart Jillian Reynolds but the box car race was funner.

August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My mom is creepy...

My mom likes angel statues and refuses to throw them away when they break hence, creepy front yard.

August 19, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ports O'CAll San Pedro, California

This kid was throwing a tantrum... He started posing when he saw the camera.

The ex... He is a man, then again he is not a gentleman.

Reminds me of my childhood.

August 15, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Misadventures of the Downtown LA Artwalk

This is picture while I was on the Downtown LA art walk last month...I had more fun last month then this month. I don't mind the tons of people, "bar crawl", "truck crawl" (which I found out is the first Friday of the month!), "drunken crawl", or whatever type of "crawling" you are doing during the artwalk. What I do mind is all the "so, so art". Makes me miss the SF art walk...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

LOVE=EVOL cuz I ♥ ♡s

I was part of LOVE=EVOL @ The Black Triangle, in where else? Historic Filipinotown:

My work, is "Unrequited and Voyeuristic" love:

Ostrich Eyes:

My love is crooked:

Old friends, new art: Adam Roth

I refused to use flash therefore:

Art will be up until September 4...there are gallery hours, but I think you should go and catch a band playing there. So go to their website.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Peel Here...

Trying to catch up...I went to Self Help Graphics just at it was about to close and caught the last minutes of the opening. Stickers!

Now some art:

Cleaning up, wished I would have gotten here earlier. =(

Friday, August 6, 2010


Tetricide! This was my favorite;

Look ma'!

I heart this girl:

N this:
Blows my mind:

I heart u 2:

Not enough, detail:
My favorito:

Hmmm, bacon n hot dogs, and Downtown:

Parking hang out:

The End;

Treticide closes this Saturday August 7, 2010 @ Pehrspace...