Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tearist @ The Standard Hotel

The Standard Hotel in Downtown LA threw its "fifth incarnation of the Series, a multidisciplinary mish-mash of art, dance, music, poetry, theater and clowning (yes, clowning)"*. And since Tearist was going to be part of it, of course we went! Duh.

First set done.

Diana in the womb... I mean the waterbed.

That's how much I heart LA.
More performances:

Gotta catch it and make it forever:
More Tearist:

I heart Tearist.

*Brand X

Monday, March 7, 2011

Easy to see your breast from up here above the clouds...

Above: Calm before the storm.
Below: A Francis Bacon painting featuring Japanther...Duh!

The exorcism begins!
Look Ma! No shoes!


"Everyone take your cloths off!"

Danny from Tiny Little!

Pretty girls:

More pretty girls:

Not the best video then again... If you weren't there you can't complain. Even if you were there...

Surfing the Smell!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

That one time I ran away from home...

The true story of Monday February 28 and March 1. March 2 someone crashed into my car but only my pride got hurt... The bestest* sister below, you could hear the local cops on the Spanish tv (above).

dreamlike state:

Here comes the sun:

Morning light:

I heart pink, but not the Victoria Secret's campaign.

Friday, March 4, 2011

L.A. Lottery League -The Big Show

L.A. Lottery League -The Big Show February 26. 48 Musicians from 27 bands were picked at random by the Council of Chiefs to form 12 new bands. And let me tell ya! The results were awesome! However, it was one cold, cold, cold night but after eating some tacos while walking it was perfect. Outside shot:

Party time! Making it rain!

Burn that fake money!
"If you grew up with holes in your zapatos. You'd celebrate the minute you was havin dough"...

Name that color theory:

Gotta check that tele:

Overheard someone say "This place is dry, they are selling fucking milk"

Peacefully waiting... for a new band to form!

Mad scientist, I mean Council of Chiefs.

Bye, bye, beautiful boy.

Goodnight. Gotta catch the last Blue Line.