my camera is still broken. its raining. i'm still resentful, but with a month under my belt. i been sewing alot with the kids. so much they already went through 13lbs of synthetic stuffing (you know the stuff you put inside dolls so they can be fluffy). so a week ago i went downtown and bought another bag. then i thought i wanted to make a heart made out of felt but it turns out someone already did:
so maybe i'll just buy these, they are from this website--->here. but my heart is going to be different. my co-worker is having an art show in the middle of the month. i'm going to be in should come. not! j/k... and i'm prohibited from invited anyone up North so you missed out.
and my other co-worker gave me a copy of Santigold. man, i'm so behind on my pop i like this video it has everything i like: shades of gray, a horse, gold, a good haircut, violence, artsy farsty crap.
and I, also hope it will be worth what I give up. now to being somehow productive.
So this guy, in the middle, was paid $600 dollars a week to dissolve dead people in acid. Over the course of ten years he dissolved 300 bodies. His name is Santiago Meza López, aka "El Pozolero del Teo", this is pozole at the bottom. Enough said.
And who might have ordered all these bodies to be disposed of you might ask? a narcotraficante...duh! read an actual article about this here and here. Crazy shit.
*images used without permission from here and here. if i knew how to make pozole i totally would have made it just to take a picture of sorry Taco Rosa.