Wednesday, December 26, 2007
you think its tough now? come to mexico
im in mexico right now. i been here for almost a month. i know understand the whole day of the dead more seeing how there is so many accidents and dead people everyday. Everyday it seems we (my family) hear about some muertito from somewhere. and then there is a tons of pollution here...and i been watching my gradma´s novela which is hella campy but whatever. oh yeah and the theme song was sang by Sergio Gomez from the band K-Paz de la Sierra, who surprise, surprise recently died...i mean killed.
Ofrendas...tu sabes
November 2, 2007
day of the dead, one of my favorite "holidays" besides from new year's and recently thanksgiving. anyways, i had fun if not an akward time but isnt that way day of the dead is all about: facing akward situations? no, i know thats its not about that but you know what i mean. now some art aka installitions aka altars.
this was my favorito, i guess cuz of the floating candles and the
monitos con cereal fruti lups
flores y un colchon
mis favoritas artistas
you see how the light catches the essence of the mood?
Friday, November 9, 2007
damn jenny, you grew up!

anyways, image above by Marco Patino. and i guess he is having a show, reception nov 19 at lightspace at the brewery blah blah...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wow, hasta de donde llega ese tatuaje!

*pic of a day of the dead carro
i'm up in san pancho visiting friends, going to a party, some art shows and eating chicken tikka masala. back in LA i went to two day of the dead celebrations. at the first one i joined a group of dancing folks parading around Hollywood Forever with hotdog in one hand and beer on the other.needless to say i got mustard all over my dress. we were all sweaty at the end of "parade". i'm trying to find out from what part of Mexico they are from but all i get is something about pacito durangese. then on the actual day i went to see some altar installations but more on that later.
i have this song stuck in my head:
Thursday, November 1, 2007
lo que se perdio Mitsy

this was a crazy night. No, this was a weird night but i guess it was fun. it had everything music, art, and a movie and a discussion panel. so i guess you just had to be there. and if anybody wants to buy me a new camera for x-mas i greatly appreciate it.
artist exhibited: Daniel Gonzalez, John Miner, Mitsy Avila Ovalles, Txutxo Perez, Jesse Xeroxed, germs, and Joan Zamora.

girl in a coma

see i need a new camera

the end... sorry for the misspelling earlier.
Monday, October 22, 2007
escape to darlingtonia
October 20, 2007
so i went to the camille rose garcia and it was hella crowded so i freaked out and left. the art was good though...look, look, look:

camera phone bitches!

my favorite

polar bear...

Sunday, September 30, 2007
September 15: Barry Kinky
Barry McGee at REDCAT showing his Advanced Mature Work (which is still up until Nov 25)

oh those crazy kids...

checking out downtown

later we saw mis boyfriends: Kinky, sorry for the blurry mess

?desde tus pies?
regaining composure the next day

damn, that was a good day.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Shizu Solo Show @ Tropico
August 4 - September 1 2007
The show was say the least this was a crazy night. I really like her work.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
now if i only had a helicopter

and besides we have El Tropico to go to, for Shizu's solo show on saturday Aug 4.
i think thats the flyer on the right, and the Mika Miko "bulletin" on the left and their video on the bottom...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
boys in the Tenderloin
see there is kresta holding the free shit. even at an early age this kid already knows he is too cool for school
boys, boys, boys, i do adore
there was a shooting around this area on monday. something about rival drug dealers. here is another pic of the TL but in the night. i will miss you SF, i will miss you.
diamonds and art
anyways, yesterday i found out about the new Damien Hirst art piece from the world's greatest website.

and another good thing to look forward to when i get home. seeing Melly's Solo show in LA. Here is a piece La Opinion did on her, in espaƱol...duh.
i really like this picture they took of her. here is more of her work...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
prozac with coke on the side

* coked out photo by reuters, or i guess more like the L.A. County Sheriff's Department
Monday, July 23, 2007
and no, Diane Arbus will not be showing...

my parents picked up all my crap yesterday drove it back to LA this weekend. i also got re-acquainted with my new dog. who i might add is an asshole but he is funny so i guess he is forgiven. he is kinda cute, but kinda ugly just dont tell my sister that.

anyways, i'm moving back to LA next week. i was going to leave later but my mom informed me i have an appointment with immigration so i can finally become a citizen. yep, that means no matter how many more 9/11s there might be (and hopefully won't) i'll never be kicked out. because lets face, thats one of the major fears that many legal and illegal residents of this country have(the laws changing suddenly cuz of mass hysteria against foreigners and its not like they dont love us enough already). see terrorism sucks. anyways, i'm going to be part of this art show on friday (8pm at artSF, 110 capp @ 16th, san francisco) you and your mother should come. the flyer is above.and here is ms. Arbus:

Friday, July 20, 2007
earthquake bitches!

Thursday, July 19, 2007
sorry, but i gotta keep up with the Virgin Mary

i had a dream last time that i had a kid, and she/he was really ugly. i remember holding her hand and then going down to look at her face and just thinking: so thats how our genes look together.poor kid. i try to hide my dissapointed face and thought to myself: well maybe if we pluck your eyebrows when youre older, you'll be pretty. the weird part about it is that it was christmas time and we were participating in a posada around the Mission. Yep, walking around Mission Street with a toddler, like it was nothing. Then the "father" joined us, doing the usual "hows your day been blah blah?". its not like we were a couple or anything. nope, in the dream i'm a single mom. and of course i was too busy trying to keep up with the Virgin Mary and Joseph to give a fuck about anything else especially holding a conversation. and besides didnt he know how important this event was to the cultural development of our child? god, shut up! then i woke up cuz i had to pee and thank god with no child in cite. funny...ha, ha, ha, with a sigh of relief.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
4th of July because i feel like a hunchback
all and all, it was alright except for the next day you find out that some girl might loose her finger cuz some stupid jerk decided to throw an m60 in the crowd at Dolores Park, and then days later you find out about a girl sitting on the drain of a pool had her small intestines sucked out...damn. better then last year though, or at least for me. this time i knew it wasnt the next day.